Dangers of sleep deprivation
A study in Britain shows the lack of sleep can be deadly. People who sleep less are twice as likely to die of a heart attack. The reason is unclear, but the results clearly indicated are those who slept less than seven hours per night have a risk two times more likely to die of a heart attack.:
British and American governments to fund this research. Research carried out at 10,000 government employees who are tracked for 17 years. Those who slept 5-7 hours or less have a risk 1.7-fold increase in deaths and more than doubled the risk of heart disease that brings death. Francesco Cappaccio, professor of cardiovascular medicine from the University of Warwick's medical school said, "A third of British residents and more than 40 percent of Americans regularly sleep less than five hours a day, so this is not a trivial problem."
Cappaccio said, "As a matter of prevention, our findings indicate that consistently sleeping seven hours per night will bring maximum results for health."
Adolescent sleep apnea patients 6.5 times more likely to have metabolic syndrome than their peers who do not have sleep disorders. Metabolic syndrome is a group of factors that are grouped into one general term. This syndrome has the following risk factors:
* Type 2 Diabetes
* Heart disease and stroke
* Stomach and obesity
* High blood pressure
* Increased blood sugar
* High Triglycerides
* Low levels of HDL cholesterol.
Someone who has three or more of the above symptoms will be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome.
Teens also attacked endemic lack of sleep due to the development of electronic gadgets. With homework, use the phone, answering emails, chatting, listening to music via iPod and watch television, they usually only sleep 4-5 hours.
Weight loss has been a contributing factor of sleep apnea. Today it has become clear that the weight factor does not cause sleep apnea, but the opposite may be true. Dr. Susan Redline of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, said, "Sleep disorders can be repeated and the decreased oxygen levels increase the level of stress hormones such as cortisol in the body. This, in turn, can lead to increased blood sugar and blood pressure, and problems with cholesterol metabolism. "
A survey in Norway (1984-1986 and 1995-1997) of 25,000 people found that individuals who have sleep problems are more likely to suffer from depression or anxiety disorders. This study does not conclude that lack of sleep can result in depression. There is evidence that people are more likely to experience depression, insomnia and anxiety.
Sleep is a very important activity. Sleep deprivation caused by a variety of things such as too busy, physical reasons or emotional reasons can cause kesehaan risk. If you can not sleep well, you should consult with your doctor.