Stunning Smiles The Changing World

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Someone once said, "Smiling is the second best thing you can do with your lips" (kiss, of course, being the first). And it's true. With one simple motion, you can change your day, change someone's life, even the way your body functions. Do not store your smile only for yourself. There are many fun things that can be achieved through a small smile.
1. Pretty In Instant - Even Without Makeup

When you smile, the muscles you use to smile will draw your face. This will make you look younger and more attractive. In addition, the smile gives you the positive atmosphere that will attract others to you.

2. Lifting Your Mood

No matter what you feel as sad as that moment, smiling often makes you feel better. This happens because when you smile, your body releases endorphins, natural pain killers other, and serotonin.

3. Keeping You Stay Positive

It is difficult for you to stay sad when everyone around you happy and smiling. Add a natural energy into your body with a smile. How could you not have a positive attitude with all the happiness that flows through your mind and body?

4. Releasing Stress

Hormone happy and pain killers are released when you smile and help your body and mind become relaxed. So the next time you feel anxious and stressed, stop all your activities, take a deep breath and smile.

5. Easy Way To Healthy

Your immune system function better if your body calm and relaxed. Smiling can help prevent heart disease by lowering blood pressure. Even digestion and blood sugar levels you can also feel the benefits of smiling. I do not know if you noticed this or not, but a smile can make exercise more fun and not too heavy to be done.

6. Aura's success

This positive and happiness you get from the smiles will affect the way others view of you. If you smile, you'll appear more confident and more successful in the eyes of others.

7. You Can Make Approach

Other people will be more attracted to you if you smile and happy, than when you are sad and frowning. You will look more approachable and friendly. You will have a higher chance to win a project, get a job, and make new friends.

8. The Kindness Contagious

A smile is one thing where I do not mind to arrest someone else. And the other good thing is the smile is contagious. Have you noticed that by looking at the happy scene on television, seeing the success of a friend, a person or group of people who smile will also make you smile?

Life is too short to frown and be negative. When you feel sad, find a way to smile. There are so many reasons and ways in this life to turn sadness into happiness. Get used to smile and feel the change of culture in your life everyday. Now, think about this. When was the last time you smiled?


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