Stunning Smiles The Changing World

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Someone once said, "Smiling is the second best thing you can do with your lips" (kiss, of course, being the first). And it's true. With one simple motion, you can change your day, change someone's life, even the way your body functions. Do not store your smile only for yourself. There are many fun things that can be achieved through a small smile.
1. Pretty In Instant - Even Without Makeup

When you smile, the muscles you use to smile will draw your face. This will make you look younger and more attractive. In addition, the smile gives you the positive atmosphere that will attract others to you.

2. Lifting Your Mood

No matter what you feel as sad as that moment, smiling often makes you feel better. This happens because when you smile, your body releases endorphins, natural pain killers other, and serotonin.

3. Keeping You Stay Positive

It is difficult for you to stay sad when everyone around you happy and smiling. Add a natural energy into your body with a smile. How could you not have a positive attitude with all the happiness that flows through your mind and body?

4. Releasing Stress

Hormone happy and pain killers are released when you smile and help your body and mind become relaxed. So the next time you feel anxious and stressed, stop all your activities, take a deep breath and smile.

5. Easy Way To Healthy

Your immune system function better if your body calm and relaxed. Smiling can help prevent heart disease by lowering blood pressure. Even digestion and blood sugar levels you can also feel the benefits of smiling. I do not know if you noticed this or not, but a smile can make exercise more fun and not too heavy to be done.

6. Aura's success

This positive and happiness you get from the smiles will affect the way others view of you. If you smile, you'll appear more confident and more successful in the eyes of others.

7. You Can Make Approach

Other people will be more attracted to you if you smile and happy, than when you are sad and frowning. You will look more approachable and friendly. You will have a higher chance to win a project, get a job, and make new friends.

8. The Kindness Contagious

A smile is one thing where I do not mind to arrest someone else. And the other good thing is the smile is contagious. Have you noticed that by looking at the happy scene on television, seeing the success of a friend, a person or group of people who smile will also make you smile?

Life is too short to frown and be negative. When you feel sad, find a way to smile. There are so many reasons and ways in this life to turn sadness into happiness. Get used to smile and feel the change of culture in your life everyday. Now, think about this. When was the last time you smiled?


4 Foods That Keep You Stay Healthy

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When you think of healthy food, do you automatically think of the food seemed bland and uninteresting? And healthy food is not necessarily bland! Introduce four healthy foods you should enter into part of your diet. This food is guaranteed delicious, readily available and good for your health.

Believe it or not, the bit is a very healthy choice to be added in your diet. Vegetables that are small and have red roots contain folate and betaine, two nutrients that help reduce levels of homocysteine in the blood. Homocysteine is thought to cause damage to the arteries and increases the risk of heart disease. Eating bits will reduce your risk of experiencing these diseases. Laboratory experiments using mice as animal found mice who ate bits have a lower risk of cancer. Bits contain the highest nutrient nutrients when eaten raw. After the rough cut, soak in a little lemon juice and olive oil, then add to your salad.


Many of us consume only in the form of cinnamon rolls. Besides being absolutely delicious, herb-crumb also helps maintain blood sugar and reduce the risk of heart disease. USDA research indicates that those who suffer from type 2 diabetes and consume two grams of cinnamon each day, within six weeks his blood sugar will go down as well as reduced cholesterol levels. The active ingredients found in the spice is methylhydroxychalcone polymer, which increases the body's ability to metabolize sugar. The best way to add them to your diet is to sprinkle cinnamon on your oatmeal or cereal. Can also add a little into your coffee.

Goji Berries

This little berry has been used as medicine by Tibetans for centuries. Scientific studies show that these small berries have more antioxidant capacity when compared with other fruit. Scientific research has shown berry can help to reduce the production of insulin, a major problem for patients with diabetes. These healthy berries can be enjoyed on top of your yogurt, cereal or oatmeal in the morning.


Cabbage is widely eaten in Asia and Europe, and vegetables are increasingly popular in America. These vegetables contain sulforaphane, a substance that is considered to reduce the risk of cancer. Sulforaphane defend the body against free radicals, and also increase the production of certain enzymes that prevent cell damage. Enjoy this cabbage with a tore, or use it in your sandwich or burger. It could also mix in grated apples and carrots to get a refreshing salad.


Pain Eyes in Front of Computers? This is our solution

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Excessive use of computer makes 70 percent of computer users experience problems with their eyes. This could be the eyes feel dry, itchy, burning, eye fatigue, headaches, fatigue and vision problems. Even the use of computers that have been common at this time to increase the number of people suffering from myopia dramatically.

The fix is simple, namely by reducing the amount of time in front of the computer. But this is not easy, because the children had since childhood been used to playing computer games.

To work around this, here are some tips that can be done.

First, change your workspace. Light that is too excessive to make eye irritation. So set the room light as possible so as not to increase the irritation of your eyes.

Second, set your monitor position approximately 20 inches from your face and about 20 degrees. If you sit near the window, make sure the position of the monitor is not in front of a window or behind, but beside the window. In addition to reducing the intensity of light, also provides space for you to be able to look out for a moment, so rest your eyes.

Did you know that when you are in front of computer screens, you are more rarely closed your eyes. No wonder your eyes to feel dry when working in front of the computer. Therefore, if you work in front of computer you have to frequently remind yourself to blink. Also you can use eye drops to deal with dry eye.

The third thing that can help you is the 20-20-20 rule every 20 minutes, turn away from the monitor and focus your view on things as far as 20 meters for 20 seconds. It will soothe and strengthen your eyes. Take frequent rest your eyes, with often take the time standing and walking on the sidelines of your work time.

Now, let's keep our eye as possible because the eye is a very important asset that will make you able to work well. In addition to doing the things above, eat nutritious foods that will improve your eye health.


Benefits enormity Corn What You Need To Know

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Imagine the corn soup, roasted corn, corn chips, corn meatball and various other snacks from corn. Delicious is not it?

Corn is a vegetable that is rich in nutrients. Nutrients they contain, among others, rich in vitamin B1, vitamin B5, folic acid and vitamin C. From the nutrient content it has, corn can help your body to produce new cells and fight disease.
Pregnant women need folic acid because folic acid is believed to form a potent nerve fetus in the womb. Eating corn can be sousi for pregnant women to get folic acid needs during pregnancy.

Health experts also advise people with anemia to routinely eat foods rich in carbohydrates is as rich in vitamins B1 and B5.

In addition to the full nutritional content of nutrition, corn also has a high fiber. As we all know is very good fiber consumption for those who have digestive problems. And as the owner of a high fiber, corn meal can be a powerful tool to help combat digestive problems like constipation or difficult bowel movements.

In addition to powerful digestive problems, in the corn fiber is also capable of lowering cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of colon cancer and useful lower blood sugar levels in diabetics.

Moreover, you need to wait. Make corn and its processed as your favorite snack. Besides it tastes good, you also some health problems can be resolved.


7 Eye Care What You Need To Know

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As a popular proverb says, "The eyes are the windows to the soul", through the eyes of the world you can see what is in your heart and mind. And also through the eyes, you can see the beauty and wonders of this world. It is therefore important for you to know how best to care for your eyes can still function well throughout your life. Here are 7 tips eye care you need to know in order to continue to function perfectly.
1. Vitamins For Your Eyes

Good nutrition is essential to keep your eye health. Vitamins are good for your eyes and your vision is beta-carotene or vitamin A, vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin E. Lutein is also said to strengthen the macula, the area of the retina responsible for central vision.

2. Wear UV Protective Glasses

Sun's ultraviolet rays can harm your eyes. UV rays can damage the sensitive tissues of the eye. Eye damage is manifested by conditions such as photokeratitis and photoconjunctivitis. These conditions are similar to your skin's sunburn. Exposure to sunlight and UV rays can increase your risk of suffering from cataracts and other eye diseases.

3. Do not rub your eyes or rubbed

Do not rub or rubbed your eyes when disturbed dust particles or foreign objects. This can cause the cornea scratched. Instead, try for a quick wink. Winked quickly will cause the formation of a tear that is expected to clean the particles or relieve the irritation. You can also rinse your eyes with saline solution or cold water.

4. Remove Eye Makeup

Eye makeup contains ingredients that can irritate the eye when used in a long time. You can delete all eye makeup and wash your face before bed. This activity will also keep the skin around your eyes stay healthy.

5. Rest your eyes

Your eyes as other body muscles need a break periodically. If you do not rest your eyes can cause eyestrain. Rest your eyes every 30 minutes when using a computer. The best way to rest your eyes is to close your eyes and blocking light of the eye. You can also look to the surface that is green or blue to rest your eyes.

6. Do Sports Eye

Sports eye can provide a healthy vision and strengthen the muscles of your eyes. Here is a little exercise you can do to your eyes. Rotate clockwise eyeball. First look at the top, right, down, left and the last look to the middle. Do this clockwise rotation five times and then switch to the opposite spin clockwise.

7. Visit Your Optometrist

Arrange an appointment with your eye doctor at least once a year. Doctors can check the condition of your eyesight. Your doctor can also identify any eye problems and appropriate treatment for the problem.

Caring for the eyes do not require an extreme change in lifestyle. You just need to make a conscious choice to eat good nutrition, use your eyes well and other exercises. Living in the dark is not easy so make sure there are not sacrificing your eyes and vision in vain.

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