6 Foods That Make You Younger

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Age may be just a number, but that does not mean we are willing to pass by just like that. The following foods are proven to make you stay young and also make you get a bonus of a slimmer waist.:Berries

Rich in antioxidants, this tasty foods can neutralize free radicals, said Paula Simpson, BASc, RNCP. These foods also help the body's collagen-making process so that your skin will remain smooth and soft.

Despite all the berries have some content of anti-aging, but the popularity of blueberries soar because the content of vitamin C and E was very high, says Lisa Drayer MA, RD. This anti-aging vitamins by ridding the body of harmful chemicals that have long-term effects and can damage organs.

Food Containing Much Water

Foods with high water content, like cucumber melon, apple, peach, melon and celery are a few solutions that can keep your skin from dryness, said Simpson. This type of food away from the wrinkled skin and therefore make your face look fresh. Robyn Flipse, MS, RD also recommends hydrating fluids, such as green tea or soft drinks to keep moisture from your skin.

Carrot and Tomato

The more red the better, "says Flipse. This brightly colored vegetables are full of phytonutrients and antioxidants. Both protect the skin from damaging free radicals. Beta carotene and lycopene found in these vegetables also protects your skin from sun damage and repair skin cells, said Simpson.

Kiwi Fruit

Eating kiwi fruit not only makes the skin look brighter but also to nourish the bone. Drayer said cup peeled kiwi fruit contains more vitamin C than oranges by the same amount. In addition to kiwi fruit menetralisis free radicals that can lead to heart disease and cancer Sepetti.


Choice of other vegetables that is affordable and has great benefits is the spinach. "Spinach contains lutein extraordinary that can keep our eyes remain healthy and radiant," said Drayer. Spinach also has many vitamins, including folic acid (vitamin B9), which helps the body produce and maintain new cells, including red blood cells.



Diet Options for Easy Weight Loss

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In attempting to lose weight, one of the main concerns is the type of diet to take. Of course, many are first reluctant on choosing their ideal diet type especially when they are not very familiar with some. There are also some people who are rather afraid that a certain diet will not work eventually, even after months and months of effort. Thus, it is healthy and smart for one to first get to know the different types of diet available, and the food range that is under them. With this, a person who is aspiring to lose weight will get an idea of how long it will take and how much effort she has to put into the whole diet plan. While some diet plans are made especially for specific exercise activities, some fit into almost all. Here, we list the different types of diet that one could take when attempting to lose weight.:1.) Low Calorie Diets

Calories are like the fuel of the body. It is converted into energy so that our body could function and move around well. In a low calorie diet, you cut drastically on your calorie intake so as to force your body to convert unwanted fats for energy instead. The good thing is that cutting on calories is the perfect way to burn off your fats, especially if you pair it with constant exercise and motion. You can do this by calculating your BMR or your Basal Metabolic Weight. Through this, you will find out how much calories your body needs basically, and fit to your age and height. With this you know how much calories you ought to intake daily, without going overboard.

2.) Low Carbohydrate Diet

Several popular weight loss diets these days are based on the low carbohydrate diet. These include the Atkins and the Zone diets which are fairly popular especially among the celebrities. Carbohydrates are also one of the major sources of fuel for the body. With the low carbohydrate diet, you cut on your carbohydrate intake like rice in order to force the body to utilize stored and unwanted fats as fuel instead. It works just as well as the low calorie diet, but the problem is that it can also cause muscle loss and severe body weakening. But if you are in a hurry to lose weight, then this is the best option for you.

3.) The Vegetarian Diet

Of course, we have the age old vegetarian diet where all types of mean are banished from the meal. This is also a good option because you are assured that you are not taking in too much carbohydrate or calorie both. The vegetarian diet is especially helpful in permanently cleaning up your food system. Some vegetarian diets even include an all-fruit exemption where fruits are the only desserts you are allowed to have.

These are the three most common types of diets around for those who want to lose weight. The main secret, though, is in keeping what you intake in small yet still satisfying proportions. The key is in not eating too much, and not eating too little.



Exactly How To Overcome Breath odor, Drinking Milk

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Having fresh breath is a thing could not negotiable these days. Some books or articles on career has even suggested its readers to make sure his mouth does not smell at the time of a job applicant interview with a company that will use the power and thought. : Apart from using perfume, there are other ways to overcome problems with this mouth, ie, by drinking a glass of milk. According to research published in the Journal of Food Science, water and fat content in milk is effective for reducing the sulfur content so that the bad breath will disappear.

Sheryl Barringer, a member of the research team said the milk that contains fat (full-fat milk) provide more effective results than the smell repel low-fat milk, or just drink water.

"It is scientifically proven to drink or eat foods that contain fat, like dairy could reduce the smell of bad breath," said Barringer.

Kompas Health


11 How to Meet the Needs of Healthy Proteins

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The protein can lower your blood sugar and you can still feel hungry. Let's learn how to enjoy the nutritional benefits of the best protein sources.:
1. Sushi, healthy foods that are rich in protein. Sushi will meet the needs of your body with protein and fiber and are generally low in calories.

2. Do not forget the eggs. Eggs over the years is often maligned as foods high in cholesterol. But in fact, egg protein is the source of the best and also cheap. Eggs are also a source of protein that has the most complete nutrition than other protein sources. Boiled egg contains 7 grams of protein and only 2 grams of saturated fat. To avoid saturated fat, use egg whites only and discard the egg yolks. Or you can process it in another form (served with a serving of vegetables) with a rolled-up Omelette with spinach which are rich in fiber and iron. In the study, those who eat eggs and toast as a breakfast menu will feel full longer and consume fewer calories in a day than those who breakfast of bread and cream cheese. Eggs do contain quite a lot of cholesterol, but dozens of studies show that it is not the dietary saturated fat and cholesterol that increase one's cholesterol levels.

3. Choose beef loin section (sirloin), the leanest beef. Presentation in 3 ounces of sirloin contains 196 calories and 10 grams of fat. Other leanest part is the bottom (218 calories, 13 grams fat), and the disposal and meat (both contain 231 calories and 15 grams of fat).

4. Eat at most two servings of red meat per person per week. Red meat contains saturated fat, and one study found women with type 2 diabetes who eat more red meat were more likely to increase heart disease than women with diabetes, but eating less red meat. Another study showed women who ate more red meat for nearly nine years, more likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes.

5. Avoid sausages and hot dogs. If red meat increases the risk of diabetes, it is processed meats like sausage and hot dogs will make it a higher risk.

6. Eat pork or pork loin (pork loin). Pork loin is very lean meat and not too expensive. Bake a few pieces of meat that had been smeared with liquid lime and garlic sauce is low in calories, or with chili and garlic powder) to serve it quickly - each only contains 129 calories with 16 grams of healthy protein.

7. Buy a package of chicken tenderloin to be stored in the refrigerator and you can prepare it anytime you want. Each tenderloin weighs about 1 ½ to 2 ounces, making it easier for you to control portions - 2 pieces of tenderloin can be equated with 3-ounce serving. Marinated tenderloin can be quickly and can be used for kebabs or stir.

8. Pilihlan chicken or turkey breast. Leaving the meat slices on wheat bread with mustard and baby spinach will make your lunch a healthy and low in cholesterol, and even then if you choose to eat lunch with meat that have low levels of saturated fat. Avoid Salamis and bolognas. Another good choice is ham and roast beef - to include 2 pieces or 1 ½ ounces of meat in your sandwich.

9. Choose the cooling section at the supermarket and take the young soybean frozen. This young green soybeans, both still wrapped in the shell or in the form of granules, are excellent for snacks. Simply steamed and add a little salt. It can also be used as soup and salad ingredients. Soybeans have more protein than beef and almost no saturated fat.

10. Eating canned salmon. Salmon is a natural heart medicine, but you do not need to cook the salmon fillets in order to benefit more in your diet. Canned salmon is a smart choice not only for comfort but also for health. That's because most canned salmon is wild caught fish and farmed fish is not so contain fewer contaminants. Another added bonus if you eat salmon: A new study finds those with omega-3 fatty acids in their blood the highest reported 53% less likely to suffer stress and distress.

11. Store seafood in the refrigerator. Shrimp, cod and salmon fillets are frozen is the next best thing to get fresh seafood. Keep a few pieces in the freezer and you will always have the ingredients for a healthy dinner in your hand. Cook the vegetable mixture and stir-fry with a healthy you are ready to serve.

Readers Digest


Dangers of sleep deprivation

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A study in Britain shows the lack of sleep can be deadly. People who sleep less are twice as likely to die of a heart attack. The reason is unclear, but the results clearly indicated are those who slept less than seven hours per night have a risk two times more likely to die of a heart attack.:
British and American governments to fund this research. Research carried out at 10,000 government employees who are tracked for 17 years. Those who slept 5-7 hours or less have a risk 1.7-fold increase in deaths and more than doubled the risk of heart disease that brings death. Francesco Cappaccio, professor of cardiovascular medicine from the University of Warwick's medical school said, "A third of British residents and more than 40 percent of Americans regularly sleep less than five hours a day, so this is not a trivial problem."

Cappaccio said, "As a matter of prevention, our findings indicate that consistently sleeping seven hours per night will bring maximum results for health."

Adolescent sleep apnea patients 6.5 times more likely to have metabolic syndrome than their peers who do not have sleep disorders. Metabolic syndrome is a group of factors that are grouped into one general term. This syndrome has the following risk factors:

* Type 2 Diabetes
* Heart disease and stroke
* Stomach and obesity
* High blood pressure
* Increased blood sugar
* High Triglycerides
* Low levels of HDL cholesterol.

Someone who has three or more of the above symptoms will be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome.

Teens also attacked endemic lack of sleep due to the development of electronic gadgets. With homework, use the phone, answering emails, chatting, listening to music via iPod and watch television, they usually only sleep 4-5 hours.

Weight loss has been a contributing factor of sleep apnea. Today it has become clear that the weight factor does not cause sleep apnea, but the opposite may be true. Dr. Susan Redline of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, said, "Sleep disorders can be repeated and the decreased oxygen levels increase the level of stress hormones such as cortisol in the body. This, in turn, can lead to increased blood sugar and blood pressure, and problems with cholesterol metabolism. "

A survey in Norway (1984-1986 and 1995-1997) of 25,000 people found that individuals who have sleep problems are more likely to suffer from depression or anxiety disorders. This study does not conclude that lack of sleep can result in depression. There is evidence that people are more likely to experience depression, insomnia and anxiety.

Sleep is a very important activity. Sleep deprivation caused by a variety of things such as too busy, physical reasons or emotional reasons can cause kesehaan risk. If you can not sleep well, you should consult with your doctor.



15 Benefits of Healthy Eating Apples

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Many of us sometimes forget that the simplest answer is the best. Better health can be as easily reach the fruit bowl containing apples when you need a snack. What makes Apple so great?:

1. Getting White Teeth And A More Healthier

An apple will not replace your toothbrush, but the biting and chewing an apple will stimulate saliva in your mouth, reducing the risk of tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria.

2. Avoiding Alzheimer's

A recent study conducted on mice showed that by drinking apple juice could make Alzheimer go away and fight the effects of aging on the brain. Rats in the study were fed a diet of apple showed higher levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and better in maze tests than rats with normal diet.

3. Protecting You From Parkinson's

Research has shown that those who ate fruit and other foods high in fiber gain some protection against Parkinson's, a disease characterized by damage to dopamine cells - nerve cells that produce the brain. Scientists link this condition with free radical fighting power of antioxidants contained in them.

4. Reducing the Risk of All Cancer Types

Scientists from the American Association for Cancer Research, among others, agree that eating apples that are rich in flavonols may help reduce your risk of development of pancreatic cancer to 23%. Researchers at Cornell University have identified several compounds triterpenoids in apple skin that has a strong activity against anti-cancer cell growth will be in the large intestine, liver and breast. In a previous study found that whole apple extracts could reduce the number and size of mammary tumors in rats. Meanwhile, the National Cancer Institute in America has recommended high fiber intake to reduce colorectal cancer risk.

5. Lower Diabetes Risk

Women who consumed at least one apple a day had 28% lower risk for developing type 2 diabetes than those who did not consume apples. Apples contain soluble fiber, the key to reducing the sugar content in blood.

6. Reduce Cholesterol

Soluble fiber found in apples bind fat in the intestine, in other words, lower cholesterol and make you become more healthy.

7. Have a Healthier Heart

Overall body of research linking high intake of soluble fiber to slow buildup of cholesterol-rich plaque in your arteries. Phenolic compounds found in apple skin also prevents cholesterol for entry into the system and thicken the walls of your arteries. When plaque accumulates in the arteries, will narrow the blood flow to the heart and cause coronary artery disease.

8. Preventing Bile Stone

Gallstones form when there is too much cholesterol in your bile is prevented to remain as a liquid, which freezes. This condition is very common found in those who suffer from obesity. To prevent gallstones, doctors recommend a diet high in fiber to help you control your weight and controlling cholesterol levels.

9. Overcoming Constipation Diarrhea Dan

Are you hard bowel movement or even experience diarrhea, fiber contained in apples can help. Fiber can draw water from your colon and makes the digestive process going well or absorb excess water from your dirt to slow the discharge of the intestine.

10. Neutralize Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is characterized by constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating. To control these symptoms doctors advised to keep away from milk and fatty foods and include a high intake of fiber in your diet.

11. Preventing Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anal canal. Although not life threatening, but these blood vessels can be very painful. The pain is caused by the pressure that is too big in the pelvic area and rectum. Along with the pain of constipation, fiber can prevent you to be too tense when going to the bathroom and thus can help relieve hemorrhoids.

12. Controlling Weight

Many health problems associated with obesity include heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea. To control weight and improve your overall health, the doctor will advise you to go on a diet rich in fiber. Foods rich in fiber will make you become healthier without having to throw so many calories.

13. Liver Detoxification

Without realizing it, we are constantly consuming poison, either from food or drink, and your liver is responsible to remove these toxins from your body. Many doctors are skeptical of a variety of detox diets, claiming the diet is more potentially harmful than the good. Fortunately, one of the best and easiest thing that you can eat to help detoxify your liver is to eat fruits such as apples.

14. Improve Immune System

Red apples contain antioxidants called quercetin. Recent studies indicate that quercetin may help to improve and strengthen your immune system, especially when you're under stress.

15. Preventing Cataracts

Although recent studies have been divided on these issues, long-term study conducted recently showed that those who have diets rich in fruits with high antioxidant content, such as apple would have 10-15% lower risk of developing cataracts.


10 Things about Cholesterol You Should Know

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Are you concerned about your health and want to understand your cholesterol? Then you have come to the right blog as I am going to tell you some things about cholesterol you should know. Some of these things you may already know, but some you may not. Cholesterol is something that is necessary for our bodies to function. Did you know that one? I have done a lot of research on cholesterol and the things you should know and I would like to share them with you. :

10. 80 Percent of the Cholesterol in Our Body is Manufactured by the Liver
Did you know that about eighty percent of the cholesterol in our body is manufactured by the liver? The other twenty percent of the cholesterol will come from the foods that you consume.

9. A Diet High in Cholesterol Can Wreck Havoc
If you consume a diet
that is high in cholesterol, it could cause your body to take in too much cholesterol, which will result in high levels of blood cholesterol and that is not healthy. When it gets too high, the arteries can become clogged and it can increase the risk of coronary heart disease
8. What is Cholesterol?
Many may not understand what cholesterol is. It is a waxy substance in the body that is made by the liver. It forms in every part of the cell.

7. The Body Needs Cholesterol
The body needs cholesterol in order to make hormones, make vitamin D, maintain healthy cell membranes, and to make bile acids which helps with fat digestion.

6. How Does Cholesterol Increase the Risk of Heart Disease?
When you have too much cholesterol in the body, the surplus cholesterol will circulate in the bloodstream. The deposits of cholesterol can built up in the inner lining of the blood vessels.

5. High Blood Cholesterol Level is Dangerous
Having a high blood cholesterol level is dangerous, especially to smokers that have high blood pressure.

4. The Different Types of Cholesterol
You have HDL, which contains mostly protein, LDL, which contains mostly cholesterol and VLDL that contain mostly cholesterol and triglycerides.

3. Not All Cholesterol is Harmful
Not all cholesterol is harmful. HDL cholesterol is a good type of cholesterol that helps remove LDL cholesterol from the artery walls and transports it to the liver where it is eliminated.

2. What are the Bad Cholesterols?
LDL and VLDL are known for being the bad cholesterol and HDL is known for being the good cholesterol.

1. What Affects the Cholesterol Levels?
There are many different things that can affect the cholesterol level in your blood. It can be what you eat, your hormones, medications, being overweight, smoking and being inactive.

Those are 10 things about cholesterol you should know. Girls and guys, your cholesterol level is nothing to play around with. Make sure you go to the doctor for a regular check-up to have it measaured. Has anyone reading this post had a problem with their cholesterol? What did you do in order to lower it? If you have problems and need help, I have made a blog post on here (allwomenstalk.com), that tells you things to do in order to lower the cholesterol.



Top 12 Foods for Beautiful Hair

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Do you want your hair to be shinier, fuller and healthier? Then I’m going to give you a list of 12 best foods for beautiful hair that’ll certainly revive in your traces. The best part is that these are some really yummy foods that many of us already love, so what could be better – eating great food
, and getting your hair looking beatifull all in one?:
12. Salmon.
For those of you that like to consume beauty foods, you cannot avoid eating salmon. It is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and is a high quality protein source. It is filled with vitamin B-12 as well as iron.

11. Dark Green Vegetables.
How could you avoid those dark green vegetables? This includes spinach, broccoli and Swiss chard. They are a great source of Vitamins A and C and will do wonders for your hair. Your body needs Vitamins A and C in order to produce sebum.

10. Beans.
There are many sayings that are behind beans, but did you know that beans actually do good for your hair? Legumes such as lentils and kidney beans are something you should consume as they are an important part of your hair care diet. They provide you with a good amount of protein in order to promote hair growth, but they also have zinc, biotin and iron in them.

9. Nuts.
Do you go nuts for shiny, thick hair? Then consume some nuts! Brazil nuts are the best sources of selenium. Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acid and alpha-linolenic acid, which is great for the hair. Nuts are also a great source of zinc. Some other good nuts to try would be almonds, cashews and pecans..

8. Poultry.
Turkeys and chickens may have feathers on them, but they’re loaded with the protein that your hair craves.

7. Eggs.
If you would like healthy hair, then try consuming some eggs. It does not matter if they are over easy, fried or scrambled. Eggs are a great source of protein that your hair will enjoy.

6. Whole Grains.
Those hearty whole grains will do wonders for your hair. Sink your teeth into whole-wheat bread and be amazed at the results.

5. Oysters.
Did you know that oysters help your hair stay healthy? They contain a powerful antioxidant – zinc, which your hair also craves. They do not make a regular appearance on that dinner plate, but having them every now and then is a great idea.

4. Low-Fat Dairy Products.
These include yogurt and skim milk. They are great sources of calcium and include an important mineral for hair growth. You will also find that they contain casein and whey, which are two high-quality protein sources.

3. Carrots.
Carrots are great for your hair as they contain Vitamin A. They not only promote a healthy scalp, but they also promote good vision. For hair that shines, chomp into some carrots!

2. Beef.
If you do not have high cholesterol, then you should try eating red meet two times a week in order to improve the health of your hair. It not only holds the protein your hair needs, but it also contains zinc, iron and vitamins.

1.Brown Short-Grain Rice.
Brown rice is an ideal form of complex carbohydrates. Brown rice is also a great source of B vitamins and fiber.


Tips for Living a Healthy And Happy Pregnancy

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I never feel satisfied or happy as when I was pregnant. My skin became radiant, can sleep well, and I can dream beautiful! Both my pregnancy so much fun, although I have to get through the cravings long enough, but others so beautiful, and ends with two births a smooth process without any difficulties. I know I was lucky, but I also follow all the instructions given from a doctor, and I thought it was very influential on how easy it is pregnancy that I live. Here are some tips to live a healthy and happy pregnancy.:1. Plan In Front

Although there are terms that we can say with unplanned pregnancies, as my youngest child, but there is a big advantage in health to plan wisely pregnancy since long ago. Planning a pregnancy may mean you start to quit smoking if you're still smoking, start taking folic acid supplements, and even visit a doctor who can help you to get rid of drugs that may have harmful side effects before the egg to meet sperm cells and all can run well.

2. Find the Best Doctors

Your doctor will probably be your true partner in carrying out this entire process, which is very influential for the safety of your child's new candidate for bean seeds. That is why it is important to find a specialist content that you can trust, someone who can hear and understand what you want and need. Ask for recommendations from friends or your family, and do not be afraid to meet with the doctors before you decide who you will choose.

3. Much Rest

I would strongly emphasize this - to grow a healthy baby and keep yourself to stay healthy so tiring, so you need much time to rest! Set aside time for a nap (or at least to relax) every day, and make sure you get enough sleep at night.

4. Sport

According to my doctor, this is the key to getting a healthy pregnancy, childbirth is smooth, and fast restore your weight to normal before you get pregnant after your baby is born. Many people believe that pregnant women get them free from the exercise and could eat anything, but it's not true! Consult your physician to develop a proper diet and exercise plan that's perfect for you and your baby.

5. Watch What You Eat

Once again, you should not think because you're pregnant, then you can eat whatever you want. Actually there are many foods that you should avoid, such as unpasteurized cheese and some species of fish, and remember everything you eat or drink, your baby will get it too!

6. Make a Plan Outline ...

Planning, especially the birth plan, will never be exactly as you want. There will be so many variables, too many things that can happen! But at least have a plan in outline, pack the stuff about you need in a bag a few weeks before the expected birth of your baby. Where will entrust your children are older, who will feed the pet, who will contact friends and family, and whether you will give birth to normal or use painkillers, if you will give milk or use milk bottles, etc..

7. People Collect Your Nearest

Regardless of who you want to accompany you in the delivery room, is a fantastic idea for you are surrounded by the women you know, your love and your trust. Avoid negative women who just want to tell horror stories about their pregnancy and childbirth. Instead, ask friends and people you love to always give encouragement to you.

Once you find the right doctor and follow all his advice and read these tips, you are ready to live this unforgettable experience in your life! More than anything this experience will be a most valuable experience in your life.
Read phonetically



Best Things You Can Do For Your Health

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The number one thing that should be done immediately for your health is to quit smoking, if you have not already. The risks associated with smoking are well documented, increasing your risk of cancer and heart disease. Smoking is going to take years off your life and will seriously impact the quality of your life if you make it to the golden years.:
Be active. You should be participating in some type of physical activity every single day. Research shows that being active will add years to your life. It could be a regular workout session or something as simple as a short walk from the parking lot to the office. Physical activity helps the cardiovascular system and boosts your metabolism to help your body burn fat.

Eat a sensible diet. You don't have to act like a food Nazi but it is very important for your health to eat fatty foods and carbohydrate laden foods in moderation. A steady diet of these types of food will lead to problems with obesity and diabetes. Diabetes is one of the fastest growing of all diseases in the United States and our consumption of carbs loaded with insulin is one of the reasons.

Practice preventive medicine. The new health care reform laws require insurance companies to cover procedures aimed at preventing disease so there is no longer any excuse to avoid being screened for breast cancer and colon cancer. Mammographies and Colonoscopies are able to identify cancer threats which can be treated much more effectively if caught early. You should also see a doctor once a year for a check-up which includes blood pressure screening and a test to determine your cholesterol levels.

Be social. The final thing that you can do for your health is develop a great circle of friends. While we do not know the reason, research shows people who have a strong network of friends are healthier. It could be because they are happier in general and therefore in better health. Take time now to develop those friendships so you have a network of good friends to grow old with.



Getting rid of Bad Mood

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As someone who was hit by a bad mood, this question is a choice: how do you fix a bad mood? Tactics to calm down is not a weak way to pamper yourself. But I see it like this: if we do not take responsibility for our own happiness, then who will?
:As we grow older, most of us no longer have a mother who will wipe our tears, as when we were still a toddler. This is very vital to know that we know how to handle it on ourselves. It was not that bad moods do not have a place in our lives - bad moods are part of the normal life cycle of emotional for sure. In fact, research has shown that not only natural but bad mood it can also help you make decisions with clarity of mind and improve memory.

But whatever it is, does not mean every thing that comes to you have to run against you with the hardware: the project is not finished-finished, stuck in traffic, strangers who ask if you are pregnant it is not. At times like this, we must have a way to get rid of a bad mood and restore normal feeling again.

Here are 20 suggestions to overcome this:

1. Bathroom.
2. Notice housewife. Their problems are worse than you.
3. Bake something.
4. Buy a new lipstick.
5. Seeing pakaiana pretty-clothes online.
6. Take kick boxing classes.
7. Telephone old friends.
8. Sitting in a cafe while enjoying a cappuccino and read, turn off your mobile phone.
9. Dancing in the living room.
10. Silence.
11. Play your favorite songs.
12. Ask for a hug.
13. Eat a piece of dark chocolate.
14. Set up a messy drawer.
15. Repeating a mantra, like: I'm fine.
16. Write a journal.
17. Watch your favorite shows.
18. Running around the house complex.
19. Do good to others.
20. Being a hero version of your life.

Ok. Now it's your turn. What would you do to repel bad mood?



7 Foods That You Must Consumption Every Day

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Food is very important for the survival of a species. Food provides energy and nutrients for the body healthy and strong. Vitamins and minerals are available from a wide range of foods. Therefore, we need to consume a varied menu to get a balanced diet. There are some foods that you should not eat every day. However, there are also foods that are very beneficial for the body if consumed every day. Here are 7 types of foods you should eat every day.:
1. Red Tomato

Tomato is a fruit rich in vitamins A, C and K. Tomatoes are also rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that helps protect cells against various types of cancer. It has been found that cooked tomatoes provide more protection against cancer than when eaten raw.

2. Carrots

Carrots are always promoted as food for the eyes. The reason is precisely because the carrots are rich in beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is converted by the body into vitamin A which is then absorbed by the retina. Vitamin A will help maintain eye health and vision. Eating carrots helps to improve and maintain vision at night. Vitamin A also helps prevent eye problems. Carrots in addition to promoting healthy eyes are also a formidable cancer fighter.

3. Green Leaf Vegetables

Vegetables of this type is said to be one of the natural super food. Green leafy vegetables low in calories so can help maintain weight. These vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that are tall so that helps fight cancer and heart disease. Green leafy vegetables also prevent diabetes.

4. Cereals

Grains are foods high in fiber but low in fat. Grains can help maintain a healthy digestive system. These foods also may help prevent cancer and regulate blood sugar that causes diabetes. Grains contain other nutrients such as folate and potassium.

5. Yogurt

Eating yogurt can improve the immune system and fight cancer. Yogurt with live active cultures is good for the digestive system. Live active cultures to help balance the good bacteria in your stomach, making the absorption of vitamins and minerals work more efficiently.

6. Nuts

Nuts are high in fiber, protein and antioxidants. Nuts are also good sources of unsaturated fat and very good for the heart. Eat a handful of nuts every day.

7. Wheat

Oats are rich in fiber and beneficial for a healthy digestive system, whether or not containing gluten. Do not worry if you do not like because many types of wheat gluten that do not contain these proteins. Examples of the types of grain is quinoa, whole wheat and brown rice.

Try to include all these healthy foods in your daily diet. It should not be difficult because all of these foods can be found in traditional markets and supermarkets. Enjoy these foods in a variety of different menus, at different times every day. I believe you think to get healthy food will not be as easy as this is not it?


Tips to Lose Weight and keep it

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Many people try extreme diets and lose a few pounds of fat but is not likely to continue to do so in the long term. And when they stop dieting, their weight will increase more than when they started the diet. Read the following article to find ways how to lose weight and continue to defend it.:First of all do not trust any magazine or a company that teaches diet and health. They're just after your money. Because all the media that you see today many have the wrong information. One source might tell one thing and another source that says otherwise.

The most Important Is Your Diet

Do you think that the secret to lose weight and beat mempertahannya only with sports? Well, you're wrong, 90% weight loss results from what you eat and when you eat it. Exercise helps increase your metabolism (how much your body burns fat), but the results actually come from your eating habits. Defend to eat small portions but frequently and focus on organic foods and keep away from processed foods, drink plenty of water, eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Avoid white foods like bread, rice and pasta.

The Truth About Calories

You will not burn fat because you eat fewer calories. If you eat fewer calories then your metabolic rate will also drop because you put your body in a state of hunger and will only break down your muscles. You do not just want to lose weight but you want to do it properly and get rid of fat away. What matters is what kind of calories you eat and increase your metabolic system so that naturally the body will burn fat while you continue to eat. There are many delicious foods that are ALMI increase your metabolism and if you combine your metabolism will make the system work better.


Stop your crazy diet and do it the natural way so that you can still enjoy what you prophecy. Say no to the pill pelansing and saying no to corporate big-petrusahaan who try to pull you with their latest myth. Hang on a simple diet plan that you can still enjoy and you will see results before you know it.



7 Tips To Not Sleep Snoring

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Are you tired of waking up at night due to the loud snoring sound? Well, for those of you who have this problem, I want to give some suggestions to prevent or stop your snoring. For those who have suffered at night due to lack of sleep due to your partner's snoring, I am so sorry for your condition. Here are 7 tips to stop snoring:1. Control Your Tongue

Your tongue is the reason why you snore at night. Train yourself to maintain the tongue remains at the bottom and instead of turning on the palate because it can help you to not snore at night. Practice to make your tongue stays in one position all night. The doctor also has a tongue suppressor that can help to hold your tongue firmly in place.

2. Operation

If you want to stop snoring completely, you need to consider to go to the doctor and do surgery. This operation will help keep the tongue so as not to vibrate in the throat that causes you to snore all night. There are several types of snoring surgery you can ask your doctor, but usually involve major surgery.

3. Balm

I often use this for my husband and was quite effective. Balm helps air intake in and out as well. In the shop you can buy breath strips containing ointment in it and can help to breathe more easily at night.

4. Avoid Milk

Any dairy products may increase the chance for snoring, as it causes blockages in the throat. You will find that by drinking water before bed can help clean the throat of this problem.

5. Snoring Medication

Snoring medicine you get in the counter-counter medication in the form that you can breathe in and spray on the back of your mouth can help to reduce or eliminate snoring. This spray tool will ensure the back of the throat to function properly and frees you from snoring.

6. Snoring Strips

Snore strip works as a good way to breathe better through your nose and make the nose feel comfortable. You need to pay attention to get the right size for your nose, because if its size does not fit these strips can be separated at night and you will return to snore.

7. Sleep sideways

You will have the air flow in and out of the lungs better if you sleep sideways. You can also put a pillow between your legs to keep the spine straight and not crooked. Straight back to help keep air flowing properly.

Snoring is often a major problem for most married couples. Some men even women snore at night. It is very difficult for you to sleep at night if your partner snores. You can wear earplugs if it turns out one of the solutions above does not work to overcome your snoring problem. What about your husband or wife?


Deep Breathing for Extra Weight Loss

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You will find rumours floating around out there that you possibly can practice deep inhaling methods like a method of extra weight loss. Is there any sort of reality over these rumours? You aren't going to go sit in a room, inhale deeply and show up five kilos lighter in weight. You can, on the other hand, use breathing as a part of a comprehensive life change to encourage extra weight loss.
It appears foolish to believe that we should learn how to inhale properly, because it is such a component of life. Nevertheless, a large percentage of us aren't in touch with our bodies. We inhale without considering it. This inhaling is frequently shallow. That's because of a combination of factors which include our position, our wellbeing, our metabolic process along with other features of our system. Once we tend to be more straight conscious of our bodies, we can easily focus on the actions we have to take to help make these bodies the shape as well as measurements we would like these to become.

Deep inhaling comes with extra benefits other than simply putting us far more in touch with our bodies. Deep breathing performed frequently can enhance the metabolic process which will help you to burn off more calories, more effectively utilize your food with your body and commonly experience more energy. Raised vigor means an elevated power to workout and even further lower extra weight. Raised metabolic process is accomplished through deep inhaling simply because you're boosting your oxygen levels and so increasing the activity of the heart. To accomplish an elevated metabolic process by means of deep inhaling, however, you will need to make this a normal section of your each day life. This means that deep inhaling will be an issue that you'll have to learn how to do and then train on a regular basis. Only when it is done on a regular schedule will it result in boosting your metabolic process.


Diet Meal Plans

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When a person decides to lose weight, he or she must opt for proper diet meal plans. If you have excess weight in your body, then you may be attacked by many diseases at some point of your life. Obesity is one of the biggest problems of human beings and in order to lose weight, people take many wrong steps.

People start eating lesser or skip meals when they decide to lose weight. But even that is not right as it is also harmful for a good health. Eating less amount of food will not help you to lose the desired weight. Weight loss plan must be done in a sensible way and a proper diet meal plans always have got nice guidelines which are very much properly planned. A good plan can not only help you to lose weight, but will also ensure that you will not regain that weight in the future.

Our lifestyle is becoming more of sedentary type and accordingly with the increase in intake of fast foods, the input of calories into the body has increased to a great extent. In order to go for a good weight loss program, it is very much advisable to have a combination of proper diet meal plans and physical workouts. Regular physical workout can increase the metabolism of the body and thus help you to stay healthy for long.

We all know that consumption of more natural and organic foods in the diet meal plans can help a person to have a proper weight loss program. One should increase the intake of fruits and vegetables in his or her daily diet. At the same time, a good diet will always advice you to decrease the intake of certain foods like sugar, salt, fatty foods like butter and fried foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables are quite rich in antioxidants and fiber and hence will make the person feel less hungry.

Before choosing a proper weight loss diet, it is always advisable to take the help of a dietician. Diet meal plans may be different for different persons. A person having diabetes will have a separate diet meal plans from a person having heart diseases. So, when you visit a dietician, it is always advisable to mention the diseases you have in you so that he may plan the diet accordingly. If you do not want to go to a dietician, you can get online help from the Internet also.


Chronic Back Pain

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Spinal decompression therapy is a type of nonsurgical therapy that is also very noninvasive. It is used to treat severe and chronic back pain that is a result from different types of conditions. Some of these back pains are caused because of pressure that is exerted by an expanded spinal disc to the spinal nerves. They could also be a result of several arthritic issues. It turns out that there are many different health conditions that could be benefited from this type of treatment. By following this article you will learn of the different health conditions and how decompression treatment can be used.

Herniated disc

Of all the different types of conditions that spinal decompression therapy could help, a herniated disc is the most common. When the spinal disc is herniated, it exerts a lot of pressure on the spinal nerves; this health condition results in a lot of excruciating pain. The decompression treatment will relieve the pressure from the expanded or damaged disk and allows it to go back to its normal size.

Degenerative discs

Degenerative disc disease is another common condition that requires treatment. Vertebral bodies can be compressed when there is a loss of disc height. This is caused by spinal compression. When there is too much compression, the surrounding nerves can be constricted which leads to back pain. Spinal decompression therapy can help to alleviate the pressure on the degenerative discs, helping to alleviate the back.

Facet syndrome

Spinal decompression therapy is also used to help treat facet joint syndrome. The first two problems were due to a compressed disk and the decompression therapy had a higher chance of working. However, facet syndrome is not due to a compressed disk that has a higher chance of failure. Arthritic changes around the vertebral bones cause facet syndrome. Nonsurgical spinal decompression therapy can still be helpful and is often recommended because it will still give more space between the vertebral bones, which helps reduce the pain.

How does spinal decompression therapy work?

The first part of this process is by placing the patient over a computer-controlled spinal table, which is also known as spinal decompression machine. There are different modes of this therapy, and depending on what the physician finds on the MRI results, will help them choose the correct mode. The machine applies force to the affected area, and this is where the decompression occurs. This type of negative pressure that is exerted by the machine will help retract the expanded disk to its original size. It also helps reinforce the oxygen which helps regulate proper blood flow to the discs.


Best 3 Essential Oils Diffusers

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Essential oils diffusers can make a big difference in the way we live our lives. Breathing in essential oils can change your mood, create memories, and change the way you feel. They can also help with lung problems, get rid of dust mites, mold, and viruses in the air. There are many types of diffusers to choose from. Choosing one depends on the size of the area you need one for and how much you are wanting to spend. The best ones tend to cost a little more, but are usually worth it.

The best and most effective of all essential oils diffusers is the nebulizer. A nebulizer breaks down the oil molecules into a fine mist and then disperses it into the air. The mist is very concentrated and the nebulizer really works well to spread the oil mist throughout a room. One thing to keep in mind though, thick oils like sandalwood tend to clog them, so be careful with the oils you use. They come in a couple different shapes. One version is compact and another has a glass cone with a oil reservoir.

Our second place choice for essential oils diffusers is the atomizer. The atomizer uses a fine mist of evaporated water to disperse the oil into the air. This type of diffuser is easy to use and works well. Just add water, oil drops, and plug in.

And in third place for essential oils diffusers is the fan diffuser. They can be used for small or large rooms. Just choose the right model for the size of the area. There are even ones available for your car. Some use batteries and the larger ones need to be plugged in when in use. The fan diffuser works by blowing cool air through a pad, that has absorbed oil drops, and fills a room or area with the scent. These are easy to use but sometimes the fan can be a little noisy.

These are our top 3 essential oils diffusers to choose from. There are also candle diffusers and lamp rings available, but heat has a negative effect on the therapeutic benefits of the oil. They also can be a potential fire hazard.


Anxiety in Social Situations

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If you're one of the many sufferers of social phobia, you've no doubt become frustrated with all the powerful overwhelming emotions associated with being in groups of strangers or unknown people. The first thing to remember is you're not alone there are many people who are experiencing what you are experiencing. Second, there is a way to not only resolve the situation but completely turn it around.

One of the main causes of social phobia is a traumatic situation in early childhood. It is not uncommon for someone with social anxiety disorder to have experienced an embarrassing situation or some kind of public humiliation that left a deep and lasting impression on the psyche of the person following them into adulthood.

Alternatively, someone who is uncomfortable in social or public settings may have also picked this up as a behavior from parents who were also uncomfortable in social situations having used this as a blueprint for their own behavior, and way of reacting to groups or unfamiliar gatherings.

Whatever the cause of the discomfort that comes with this disorder it no doubt gets in the way of fully functioning as a human being. Life requires that we sometimes go into unfamiliar settings and territory and meet new people to expand our sphere of influence and make new connections that ultimately benefit our lives.

When you are unable to make these new connections because of powerful overriding fears and anxieties, it can prevent you from advancing your career and making less money, as well as being able to find a meaningful partner for a fulfilling relationship.


Looking For The Best Anti Wrinkle Face Cream

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Think about this, if the best anti wrinkle face cream worked as well as it says it does, there would be nobody on this planet, men included, walking around with one single wrinkle on their face! Conclusion: this so-called 'best' anti wrinkle cream is probably not the best, it's just another anti aging cream.

Every woman has her favorite creams, lotions and makeup, and as she gets older it's unlikely she will change brands readily. Why? Because over her lifetime a woman will have spent hundreds of dollars trying to find the product that suits her skin type and she is not willing to go down that long and expensive road of research again. When asked what she uses, she will probably say "XYZ brand - it's the best I can find for my skin". At some point she will have said "I'm done, no more trying, I'll stick with this brand."

Now let's consider baking for a minute. You are going to make a cake. You use fresh eggs, fresh milk, fresh good quality flour and the freshest, best tasting products to make a wholesome and delicious cake. How many people go out and buy preserved powdered eggs, dried powdered milk and low quality ingredients containing chemicals, preservatives and flavor enhancers? Not you, you want to eat the best ingredients don't you?

So why the blazes do we continue to use cosmetics, creams, lotions and potions that are chock full of chemicals, toxins and carcinogens? Take a look at the ingredients on the bottle! You can't even pronounce some of them, never mind know what they are! And the fact is that you are 'eating' these, you ingest this stuff through your skin. Your skin absorbs all the stuff that you rub on your body and these chemicals end up getting into your bloodstream and some, such as deadly parabens, end up being stored in your body and have been known to cause cancer! The best anti wrinkle face cream - they are not!

So what if I told you that there is a range of products on the market today that contain none of those nasty chemicals, and just like your delicious, freshly baked cake, only contain the finest, freshest, natural ingredients?

Avocado, honey, and Japanese sea kelp, are only a few of the ingredients they use - things you recognize that don't build up in your internal organs to cause damage later. They also use natural Vitamin E and grape seed oil, which are proven to help reduce the signs of aging and have properties similar to constituents of the human skin.

So if you want the best anti wrinkle face cream, use one that contains only the best ingredients - after all, if it's safe to eat, it's safe for your skin and that has to be the only meaning of 'the best' in my book.


Relieve Winter Allergies With An Air Humidifier Purifier

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Cold and flu season is here, but do you know winter is also a particularly bad time for allergy sufferers? Pollen is not the culprit this time of year, but dry air in your home can wreak havoc with your allergies

It's our gas furnaces, wood pellet stoves and fireplaces that dry out the air in our homes. Very low humidity allows dust and pet dander to float in the air. This dryness also causes your skin and lips to dry out and even crack. Lotions and lip balm can help with your lips and skin, but that dust and dander are still floating in the air.

It is common for people to use a humidifier in their homes to counteract the drying effects of their heating units. A humidifier can help keep your home more comfortable and protect skin, lips and even furniture from excessive dryness. Unfortunately, the humidifier alone does little to alleviate the problems of colds, flu and allergies.

What's really needed is an air purifier or humidifier purifier combination. Air purifiers trap or even destroy the tiniest particles in the aid including dust and dust mites, bacteria, smoke and pet dander. To fight allergies and illness, you'll need a good air purifier that removes the smallest particles from the air.

Remember, to fight colds and flu, you still need to wash your hands often and it's best to use a bacterial soap, but you can greatly alleviate the risk and especially combat the effects of allergies with a good air humidifier purifier.

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