Best Things You Can Do For Your Health

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The number one thing that should be done immediately for your health is to quit smoking, if you have not already. The risks associated with smoking are well documented, increasing your risk of cancer and heart disease. Smoking is going to take years off your life and will seriously impact the quality of your life if you make it to the golden years.:
Be active. You should be participating in some type of physical activity every single day. Research shows that being active will add years to your life. It could be a regular workout session or something as simple as a short walk from the parking lot to the office. Physical activity helps the cardiovascular system and boosts your metabolism to help your body burn fat.

Eat a sensible diet. You don't have to act like a food Nazi but it is very important for your health to eat fatty foods and carbohydrate laden foods in moderation. A steady diet of these types of food will lead to problems with obesity and diabetes. Diabetes is one of the fastest growing of all diseases in the United States and our consumption of carbs loaded with insulin is one of the reasons.

Practice preventive medicine. The new health care reform laws require insurance companies to cover procedures aimed at preventing disease so there is no longer any excuse to avoid being screened for breast cancer and colon cancer. Mammographies and Colonoscopies are able to identify cancer threats which can be treated much more effectively if caught early. You should also see a doctor once a year for a check-up which includes blood pressure screening and a test to determine your cholesterol levels.

Be social. The final thing that you can do for your health is develop a great circle of friends. While we do not know the reason, research shows people who have a strong network of friends are healthier. It could be because they are happier in general and therefore in better health. Take time now to develop those friendships so you have a network of good friends to grow old with.



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